The AMS Ag 1 Classes took the classroom outside for Earth Day. The classes were asked a simple question, "How can we make our community better in 45 minutes?" The overwhelming reply was.....PICK UP THE TRASH! After making short work of the small amount of trash we tracked down around the Anderson Middle School Campus, students went to work on Mustang Drive, in an attempt to make the drive to AMS a little more enjoyable for our family and friends.
One of our focus areas was Ellif Cemetery and the immediate area around the cemetery. On the walk back to our building, the students wanted to clean up in, and around, the baseball complex. They made short order of what they could find and were happy to help out where they could.
It is refreshing to see a group of young people that practice the "Leave it better than you found it" lifestyle! They hope others will follow their lead! Happy "Make the County Better" Day! Shawn McAlister Ag Instructor